A flow layout lets each component assume its natural (preferred) size. The idea is that I want my labels to be wrapped when necessary but also always be visible if it means having to scroll up/down. IOException / A flow layout arranges components in a left-to-right flow. Fields of the FlowLayout class: public static final int LEFT. This is the default layout of the applet or panel. FlowLayout is used to arrange components line by line, one after the other (in a flow). If I remove the scroll pane all together and put the content panel directly in the frame, the desired wrapping effect occurs, but if the frame height is shrunk smaller than the content panel height it just disappears. I n this tutorial, we are going to see an example of FlowLayout in Java Swing. If I set up preferred size of scroll pane, then all elements in flow pane are put on one very long line.

The problem is, when I set preferred size of panel to something like (800,600), some items are missing, and there is no scroll. ever.ĭoes anyone know why the flow layout does not wrap when a scroll pane is involved? JList list new JList (queries) tVisibleRowCount (5) JScrollPane scrollPane1 new JScrollPane (list) Dimension d list.getPreferredSize () d. I want to put it inside a scroll pane, scrollable in vertical direction, and with fixed width. But instead, there is only a single line displayed with no wrapping. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 10 months ago. I would expect to see my labels shown on a single row if the frame is large enough and the labels wrap to other lines when I shrink the width. In order to test this, I simply populate my content panel with 20 JLabel("Item " + n) components where n is the loop counter. The preferred approach since then is to add the 'constraint' as the second parameter: frame.getContentPane ().add (panel, BorderLayout. Inside my scroll pane, I added a simple JPanel (lets call it the content panel) which is initialized with a FlowLayout (and LEADING policy). So we set the initial Width of the 'child' FlowLayoutPanels to the Width of it's parent FlowLayoutPanel (I called it 'master'), and to react to any Width-Changes for the 'master' FlowLayoutPanel (which then updates the 'childs' Width-properties) Not a nice solution but it works. First of all that method has been 'obsolete' since JDK1.1. The intent of my frame is to have a controlled width, while the height should grow/shrink as data is added/removed.

The scroll pane is set with VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS and HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER policies. I created a JFrame initialized with a BorderLayout and a JScrollPane as its CENTER element.